1. Converting From C Corp To S Corp - There should be an appraisal of the assets.
2. 1031 Exchanges - Assets require a valuation for a like-kind exchange.
3. ESOPS - Initial appraisals must start out with accurate values of tangible assets such as machinery/equipment. Book value is not accurate.
4. Valuations - Book value is rarely accurate and usually different from Fair Market Value. If the machinery/equipment is not valued properly, the entire business valuation is skewed. Lots of risk and liability!
5. Gifting - Requires an appraisal of the items becoming a gift.
6. Estate Planning - Trusts and Wills require a value of the items.
7. Liquidations - How do you effectively and profitably liquidate the assets?
8. Sarbanes-Oxley - Tangible assets must be valued and substantiated.
9. Buy/Sell Agreements – Partners need to know at the outset how machinery and equipment values will be determined.
10. Financing – Establishes collateral value. The lender will need to have a Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisal.
11. Asset allocation for purchase/sale of a business.
12. Cost separation.
Your Clients NEED A Certified Appraisal…
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